WGN Rebrand
WGN came to us with the need for a new website, to reflect the new direction the business was taking. Their existing website was not mobile responsive, was dated, and did not represent WGN’s strength within the industry. Before the website was built, WGN needed to refresh their branding.
We created a brand that helped to position WGN as leaders in their industry. They needed a brand that reflected their move into business advisors as well as accountants, based on their years of experience. We made use of the colour blue, which in colour psychology represents trustworthiness and stability. We also incorporated a plus sign into the logo, to serve as a positive, recognisable brand mark.

The clean, modern web design reflects the ethos of the company and aids with customer transparency. WGN wanted to emphasise their wisdom gained through years of experience in the industry, so an eye-catching image of an owl is used on the homepage to reflect this.
Xpand Marketing is a full service marketing agency based in Saltaire, West Yorkshire. We are experts in graphic design, web development, research, marketing strategy and PR.

WGN Rebrand

WGN Rebrand

Rebrand for WGN including web design and logo creation.
